
Friday 7 December 2018

Animals In Antarctica

How well do you think this work has gone?
I think this work has gone well because my group finished our presentation on time and we had a good result.

What was the best section of your work?
I thought learning about how animals survive in the cold was the most interesting part because I learnt the most stuff.

Where did you go wrong in completing your assessment?
In the beginning, we couldn't find the right information for the questions but we ended up changing them and it turned out good.

How might you improve your outcome in the future?
Add some more information, bright colours and photos.

What did you find interesting about the topic you completed your presentation on?
I thought the most interesting part was learning about how the animals survived.

What did you struggle with during your presentation?
Not everyone showing up.

Monday 26 November 2018

Discovery (Passion Project: Volcano)

Aim: My aim is to make a paper mache volcano and find out how it erupts. 

What have I been working on? I have been working on a paper mache volcano. I thought it would be fun to make and interesting to learn about. 

Method on making the volcano: 
1. Get your cardboard base.
2. Place your bottle (lid off) in the middle of the base (Tape the bottle down).
3. Add balls of newspaper around the bottle to make a volcano shape.
4. Mix 1 part water with 1 part glue to make a solution.
5. Once the balls of the newspaper are placed down, paper mache them to the bottle to make a smooth coverage.
6. Layer the paper.
7. Once dried you can start painting.
8. Add 10% hydrogen peroxide, a few drops of dish soap and food colouring into the bottle.

Method on how to make the volcano erupt:
1. In beaker add 35ml of hydrogen peroxide and a few drops of dish soap.
2. Measure 30ml of potassium permanganate into another beaker.
3. Pour the potassium permanganate into the beaker with the hydrogen peroxide and wait for the eruption.

Thursday 15 November 2018

Passion Project 2018 (Science Logbook)

12/11/18 Day 1

Aim: I want to come up with some ideas of what to do in my passion project.

What have I completed: Today I found some ideas on what I’m thinking about making for my project. I asked a lot of other people on what they were doing for the project and told them mine. I also made a list of the equipment that I needed. My challenges today were making a final decision on an idea.

15/11/18 Day 2

Aim: I want to research and find different ways to erupt a volcano.

What have I completed: Today I have completed my entire plan about the volcano that I am making. I have found all the equipment I need and made the method for the volcano. I decided to make a volcano because I thought it would be really fun to make and watch it erupt. My challenges today were finding out the amount of product we were going to need. Another challenge was that my group ended up finishing early. Next time I will start building my volcano.

19/11/18 Day 3
Aim: Today I want to start making the volcano. I want to start the base and attach the bottle to the base.
We would also like to start shaping it.
20 ml Potassium Permanganate, 25ml hydrogen peroxide, few drops of dish soap.
What have I completed: Today we completed our structure for the volcano and put paper mache on it. We started working on the elephant toothpaste and found a good ratio. The challenges for today were that we had the wrong potassium permanganate. We had added 0.02 instead of 0.2. Next time we are going to start painting our volcano and then we’ll be ready to erupt it.

22/11/18 Day 4
Aim: Today we want to start painting our volcano if we finish painting the volcano we will add some details to make it look realistic. 
What have I completed: Today we completed painting our volcano. We added some details like lava and some dinosaurs. We also tested more elephant toothpaste and it worked really well. The struggles we had today were finding the right shade of brown for the volcano. Next time we are going to do some research on why volcanoes erupt and start getting our cardboard presentation ready.

26/11/18 Day 5
Aim: Today I want to research on how a volcano erupts and make a poster out of the information we find.
What have I completed: Today I completed writing all the information on the poster that my group is making. We thought of an idea of what the poster would look like. I think we struggled with finding the information but once we figured it out it was alright. Next time we are going to start designing our poster.

29/11/18 Day 6
Aim: I want to write out all the information for our presentation, I also want to finish putting my
presentation together so my group is ready for presenting.
What have I completed: Today I completed writing out our information for the presentation, making the presentation and even did some chores for the teacher because my group was finished everything. My group is finished and ready for presentation. This project was fun to make and I would do it again.

Wednesday 7 November 2018

Glowing Moon

Aim: I want to a glowing moon in science.
Related image
Glowing Moon

  • Balloon 
  • Paper mache 
  • Glue
  • Fairy lights / lamp 
  • Paint 
  • Sponge  Paper towels 
  1. Blow up the balloon. 
  2. Draw a small / medium circle around the bottom of the balloon. 
  3. Mix 1 part water and 1 part glue in a bowl.
  4. Cut your paper towels into strips.
  5. Dip the paper into water glue solution and cover the entire balloon with paper mache (Make sure not to cover the circle) 
  6. Let dry.
  7. Repeat until the balloon feels sturdy (2-3 times). 
  8. With the sponge paint the balloon into a moon-like colour. 
  9. Pop the balloon, where you drew your circle put the fairy lights through the circle. 
  10. Turn the lights on. 

Curiosity Topic

I Wonder...
What is the meaning of life?
To pass on generation's and to experience what its like to live a life. To have a family, to have friends, to gets jobs. To experience life.

Friday 26 October 2018

Hunt for the Wilderpeople

Film Techniques:


Critical Thinking: 

One theme:

Paula Hall:

We drew a picture for this but we don't have any pictures. 

In English, we have been watching "Hunt for the Wilder People" and have been doing some activities on it. This is the activities I have finished. 


Protein- Meat, nuts, seeds, eggs, dairy.
1g = 4 kcal

Carbs - Simple sugar (fast energy), complex sugar (slow energy)
1g = 4 kcal

Fat - Fish, nuts, oils, meat, butter. Helps nails, skin, hormones, and hair. Involves healthy and unhealthy fat.

Tuesday 16 October 2018

Home Economics Summary

Term Three Summary 
In term three we learnt that for measuring dry ingredients you use a measuring cup and for wet ingredients, you use a measuring jug. For making food labels you have to add an expiration date, where it was made, amount of food, the name of the product, ingredients list, nutrition label, health star rating etc. If there is anything in the product that people may be allergic to make sure it is listed on the packaging. You always need to add a nutrition label. When working with my group it can sometimes be frustrating and hard to concentrate because some of the group members don't pay attention or join in.

Wednesday 12 September 2018

Tuesday 11 September 2018

Food Labels

10 Legal Requirements

  • Expire date 
  • What the product contains 
  • Storage instructions 
  • Where it was made
  • When it was made 
  • Amount of food
  • Nutrients label 
  • Health star rating 
  • Ingredients list  
  • Percentage labelling
What order are your ingredients listed in?  
What has most to what has least.

Is the health star rating required?
Yes it is because it rates overall nutritional profile of packages goods.

Why is it better to use 100g column? 
It's easier to understand the calories.

What happens to Food?

  • When food enters your mouth its called ingesting food.
  • Chewing food is called Mastication. 
  • Swallow food.
  • The teeth that you chew food with is called a molar.
  • The teeth that you rip and tear food with is called canines. 
  • The teeth that you cut food with is called the incisors.
  • Our Salivary glands add saliva to the food to help lubricate it.
Image result for eating food      .

  • The food is "pushed" down the oesophagus by waves of muscle contractions. Longitudinal muscles contract, widening the diameter and shortening the length of the tube. Circular muscles contract behind the bolus pushing it downwards. This process is called peristalsis.
Image result for peristalsis gif  .


Food Journey Through The Body.


The esophagus leads to the stomach.
The stomach can hold 2 - 4 litres of fluid. 
It holds acid which digests food.
The stomach is a large elastic bag that can expand to hold many litres of food. 
The PH of the acid is 1 - 2.
The interior of the stomach is lined with holes called gastric pits.

Related image .

Small Intestine

Lies between the stomach and large intestine 
The PH is between 7 - 9.
Absorption of the nutrients takes place in the small intestine.
The inner walls are covered in small, finger-like projections called villi. 
The projections increase the surface area of the small intestine, which increases the rate of the absorption.

Image result for small intestine


The liver is the second largest organ in the human body.
A green coloured fluid called bile is produced in the liver. 
Average mass of the human liver is about 1.5kg. 
The liver detoxifies chemicals and metabolzies drugs.
The liver makes proteins important for blood plasma and other functions.  

Image result for liver gif .



Producer vs Consumer

What are a producer's responsibilities? 
To make sure that they are selling their products correctly.
Plan out what they are going to be doing before they make the product.
Have a warrent on their products.

What are a consumer's rights? 
To be able to return things if they are broken.

Monday 10 September 2018

Whare Tapa Wha

It was a challenge when... 
Trying to find the definition.

I coped with this challenge by... 
I tried finding the best fitting answer. 

I worked well with my group because...
I worked well with my group because we all understood what we were doing and we were able to help each other. 

I contributed by... 
I had to find the definition of mental well-being and to help my teammates understand what it means.

Physical well-being is about being safe, sheltered and
in good health and it is closely connected to mental well-being.
Social well-being is the relationships we have and how we interact with other.
Being social can help us during some difficult times.

Mental health is being able to cope with stress, is able to be productive and fruitful,
and can make a contribution to his/her community.

Spiritual health is being able to experience the purpose and meaning
of a person's life and connect with yourself, others, art, music, nature, or a power greater than oneself.

Tuesday 4 September 2018

Traditional Tales from Around the World

My work:

Why do I think the author created this story?
I think the author created this story to educate people and so that people know the story of how The North and South island was created.

What did the characters learn?
The characters learnt that sometimes a bad decision can turn out good.

What did you learn about the story?
I learnt the whole story of how the North and South island was created.

Wednesday 29 August 2018

Whare Tapa Wha

Whare Tapa Wha

Whare Tapa Wha: The Four Cornerstones of Maori Health.

Tuesday 28 August 2018

Cupboard / Fridge / Freezer

Fridge: 4-0° C, The fridge helps to not spread bacteria but if it were in the cupboard it might spread faster.

Freezer:  -18° C, Some items will go off faster if they are not frozen or will go off in the. cupboard then in the freezer. 

Cupboard: 15° C, Some foods are good in the cupboard because if they go in the fridge or freezer they start to rot faster.  

Wednesday 15 August 2018

I Wonder (Part 9)

I wonder... 
What is the dumbest animal in the world? 

Turkeys are the stupidest animals in the world. During a rainstorm, a turkey will look up at the sky and remain there for about half a minute. Their eyes are located on the side of their head so they don't have the best of vision. People also think that turkeys look up at the sky during a rainstorm with their beaks open until they drown, but that's just a myth. In the early 1990's a man named Tom Savage discovered that a turkeys behaviour is not from stupidity, but genes. He found a condition called tetanic torticollar spasms. This condition can make turkeys have abnormal behaviour, like looking up at the sky for half a minute at a time. 

Image result for turkey

Monday 13 August 2018


What did you learn about?
I learnt that being mindful is connecting and interacting with others.

Was there anything you felt difficult to understand? Why?
I did not find anything difficult. It was easy for me to learnt about mindfulness.

When talking to a classmate how did you know what they were feeling?
By showing different facial expressions, not having much energy, their tone of voice.

How can you apply your new knowledge to the Business Kete?
I will be able to make sure that my partners and happy with what we are working on and happy with the end result.


What have I learnt?
I have learnt the meaning of being assertive which is being calm and having confidence.

When discussing conflict styles what did you notice about yourself?
When I am faced with conflict from parents I am often assertive.

How can you reduce conflict during the Business and Enterprise kete? Give an example.
I will be able to reduce conflict by combining peoples ideas together.

Give an example of when you might need to be calm during Business and Enterprise?
By not taking my time and focusing.


What have I learnt? Being resilient is important to be successful in life.
My favourite saying connected to resilience is

Was there anything I found difficult? 
I found finding the definitions of resilience hard because there were too many options and I didn't know which one worked best.

How do I relate to the who moved my cheese video?
It taught me that you have to keep trying to succeed.  

How can I apply new knowledge to the Business and Enterprise? 
I will know that if something doesn't work I can try something different.

Friday 10 August 2018


What is bacteria?
A large group of unicellular microorganisms.

What do bacterias need to survive?
Food to grow on.

Give 3 examples of how we avoid spreading bacteria?
Having clean hands, keep your food in storage and cover with a lid, band-aid if cut.

What does the term cross-contamination mean, and what are it's effects of you?
When bacteria transfers from one thing to another, you can get really sick and have stomach pains, vomiting etc.

Image result for off food
Bad food
Image result for clean storage food
Good food

Cooking Routine (Tagul)

Thursday 9 August 2018

Food Tests

Testing for Simple Sugars (Benedicts Solution)

Aim: I want to find out how to test for simple sugars 


  • Bunsen burner 
  • Safety glasses
  • Test tube tongs 
  • Test tube
  • Benedicts Solution 
  • Food sample 
  1. Place about 2mL of the food sample into a test tube and then add 5 drops of Benedicts solution 
  2. Heat the test tube over a blue flame (DO NOT LET BOIL)
A positive test for a simple sugar result in the Benedicts Solution changing from a blue colour to a yellow colour to an orange/red colour. 

Orange Juice reacted with Benedict's Solution. Therefore orange juice must contain simple sugar. 


Testing for Complex Sugars (Iodine Test)

I want to find out how to test for complex sugars.

  • Iodine solution 
  • Food sample 
  1.  Place 2mL of the food sample into a test tube.
  2. Add 3-5 drops of iodine.
If complex sugars are present, the iodine solution will change from a brown colour to a black colour.

Bread reacted with iodine solution. Therefore bread contains complex sugars.

Testing for Protein (Biuret Test)

I want to find out how to test for protein.


  • Test tube
  • Food sample 
  • Sodium Hydroxide 
  • Copper Sulfate 
  1. Put the food sample into the test tube
  2. Add 5 drops of Sodium Hydroxide to the food sample
  3. Add 5 drops of Copper Sulfate to the test tube
  4. Gently shake from side to side
If the solution remains blue, then no protein is present. If the solution turns to a purple colour, then protein is present in the sample. 

Conclusion: The solution turned purple therefor egg does contain protein. 


Wednesday 8 August 2018

I Wonder (Part 8)

I Wonder...
Why do some animals live longer in the zoo than in the wild?

Over 80%, more than 50 mammals live longer in the zoo than in the wildlife. This is because of the zookeepers protection for the animals. But bigger slower animals live longer in the wild whereas smaller faster pace animals live longer in capacity.

Image result for elephant