
Monday 29 April 2019

Another World (Diversity)

Another World (Diversity)

In English, we have been learning about understanding and connecting to different stories.
I think we are learning about this because it shows us different messaged throughout the
stories that could be useful in the future.

James Cameron’s Avatar could be connected to humans destroying natural habitats where
animals/other humans are already living.

Suzanne Collins’ The Hunger Games helped me to understand how sometimes rich people
can take advantage of poor people.

Edgar Rice Burroughs Tarzan helped me to understand that nature is very important and without
it, we wouldn’t be here.

Willow Maid helped me to understand that you should always respect other people and their

Avatar: The Great Divide helped me understand that just because someone does something
bad in the past doesn’t mean they are the same person today.

Butterflies helped me to understand that everyone is free to their own opinion.

Avatar: The Waterbending Master helped me to understand that everyone should be treated
equally and we shouldn’t be put into groups because of who we are.  

Supergirl helped me to understand that you shouldn't judge people without knowing them.

Zootopia helped me to understand that everyone has a good side even if they do not show it
very often.

Glee helped me to understand that you shouldn’t hurt people’s feelings to feel better about yourself.

Friday 12 April 2019

Portion Sizes NZ

Portion Sizes NZ

Meat: The palm of your hand for 1 portion for red meat or chicken. The thickness of the meat should
be the thickness of your palm.

Veggies: Two hands cupped together. 2 ½ - 3 ½ cups.

Bread: Adults should have about six servings of bread or cereal a day, or a fist closed amount.

Dairy: We need 2 - 3 servings a day. One serving means one cup.

Image result for portion sizes nz

Wednesday 10 April 2019

Reflection on 5 practical outcomes (Term 1)

5 Practical Outcomes: 

Spag bol, Pasta with tomato sauce, breakfast muffins, grilled beef kofta, chicken curry.

I think my team worked well together because we all know what each other are good at and what do to first. Worked better with only 4 people not 5.

The measuring with these recipes was easy because you can change the ratio of things if there are less or more people.

Spag bol: 

What I liked: I liked that it was an easy recipe to make and could be made for the whole family.

What could be improved: Add cheese onto of the spag bol.

Final thoughts: Was a good recipe, enjoyed it.

Pasta with tomato sauce: 

What I liked: I liked that all the team enjoyed making this one.

What could be improved: I would add less sauce because there was a bit too much.

Final thoughts: I enjoyed making this one.

Breakfast muffins: 

What I liked: I liked that it was different and baking instead of cooking.

What could be improved: I would not change anything.

Final thoughts: Was fun and would make again.

Grilled beef kofta: 

What I liked: I liked that it was different.

What could be improved: I would change the sticks because they got burnt and were too hot to hold.

Final thoughts: Not my favourite meal but was okay.

Chicken curry: 

What I liked: I liked that everyone had something do to with this recipe.

What could be improved: I think the rice was overcooked and would cook it for less time next time.

Final thoughts: Again wasn't a favourite but was alright.

Final Outcome for team 1: 
At the beginning, I was a bit confused but as time went by I understand everything now.

Tuesday 9 April 2019

English Character Strengths

Character Strengths

This character trait was shown in Avatar when Avatar came up with the idea on how to get out of the canyon. It shows us that it is important to be creative because you can come up with ideas that can be really helpful. I think that being creative will help you a lot in the future.

This character trait was shown in Avatar when the two different sides would just each other. It shows us that you shouldn’t judge people without knowing who they are. I think you shouldn’t judge people without getting to know them first.

This character trait was shown in Avatar (Part 2) when Katara stood up to the waterbending king and demanded to become a waterbender too. It shows us that even when the waterbending king said she couldn’t she did anyway. This is important because it tells us that we should do anything we want to do.

This trait was shown in Avatar (Part 2) when the waterbending king finally let Katara become a waterbender. It shows us that even if people say you cannot do something because of who you are you should try your hardest anyway. I think this is important because it shows us that women can do the same stuff as men.

This trait was shown in Supergirl when Mon-El forgave Kara when she said that he tried to kill the president. It shows that you shouldn’t assume things about people without knowing the full story.

This trait is shown in Zootopia when Nick and Judy work together to try and save the savage animals. It shows us that you cannot always work something out on your own and that you might need a hand sometimes. I think that people helping is nice and people should do it more often.

Wednesday 3 April 2019

English Zootopia Essay


Over the past two weeks, we have been learning about and watching the movie Zootopia.
This is the essay I wrote about the movie and which character changed the most.

In the movie Zootopia, I think Nick changed the most. We see at the start of the movie Nick is quite arrogant and only cares about himself and making money. Throughout the movie, he changes a lot. In the beginning, Nick believes that people should stick to what they are supposed to do but towards the ending, he realises that it doesn’t matter when he joins the ZPD.

In Zootopia there is a scene where Nick tells Judy that she’s never going to be a cop because she is a bunny. This could make Judy feel like a failure because someone telling her she can’t succeed in her dream job would break her heart.  Nick says “You think you can be anything you want, but you can’t” and “You’re just a dumb bunny”. I think this makes Nick look really disrespectful and arrogant like he doesn’t care about anything or anyone around him.

During the middle of the movie, Chief Bogo asks Judy for her badge because Judy had failed at finding Mr Otterton. When Judy is about to give Chief Bogo her badge, Nick interrupts their conversation and says “We still have 10 hours left, so if you don’t mind, we still have a case to solve”. In my opinion, Nick does this because of the way Chief Bogo was treating Judy by stereotyping her as weak because she is a bunny because when Nick was younger he himself was stereotyped when he was joining boy scouts, the other kids put a muzzle on him because he was a predator and an “untrustworthy fox”.

Towards the end of the movie, Judy asks Nick to join the ZPD but when Judy is reporting to the media, she says that only predators go savage which upsets Nick because he is a predator. At the very ending of the film, we see Judy and Nick sitting on a chair together in the ZPD and Nick is wearing a police suit which means he did eventually join. Chief Bogo had also changed towards the end because he says “Hopps, Wilde, parking duty… just kidding” which proves he is over it as well. I think it’s really great that by the ending everyone is over the whole stereotypes thing because I believe that anyone can be anything they want to despite their gender, colour, ethnicity etc.

In conclusion, I think Nick changed the most because at the beginning of the film he was just an arrogant fox who didn’t really care about anyone but himself and making money, but by the end of the film, he started to open up more to Judy and started caring for others. He and many others in the film didn’t care about stereotypes anymore at the end. I think the director's purpose of this film was to teach people about stereotypes and that they don't matter at all and everyone can be whatever they want to be while still being the person they are.

Image result for nick wilde