
Wednesday 22 September 2021

Panel Two Plan

For my panel two board, I plan to put album covers and posters throughout the board. I will be doing a minimum of 10 posters and a minimum of 5 album covers. I have referenced my artist models by the use of thick and thin lines, colors and shapes. My next steps are to finish my logo and then move onto my panel two work. 

This is my progress so far


1 comment:

  1. Thanks Chloe for posting your work up. I feel like the bottom on in the middle column is your most successful logo for readability. Take that and exchange the E for one that is bigger and clearly capitalised. It still requires the legibility and it is not quite there yet.

    I see you haven't fully reflected on your kaupapa (brief) on the work sheet? Can you spend a couple of minutes doing that? I also would like you to consider how the lines colours and shapes link to which artist models and learn to discuss that with more specificity. If you are using Cassandre, how will you take the art deco line and run it through the albumn cover? will you use space and depth more? Cassandre does and you have so far stuck with a 2-D design solution (which is fine BTW, but this is a way of extending yourself). you have worked on that idea of 'tiling' with your black and red background which is cool, do you intend to continue that motif through? be specific with your reflections and push yourself to put it down in writing. It will lead to different, more in-depth outcomes in the long run.


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