
Thursday 10 September 2020

Art Update Week 8

Art Update Week 8

This is what my board looks like with all my artwork on it.


My kaupapa is gender equality (mostly women's rights). The artist model my artwork so far has been based off is Sofia Minson. In her art, she uses a flat background with detailed images in the middle. 

My next step is going to be doing art inspired by John Stezaker. In his artwork, he has photos of men and women in black and white with photos of scenery in front of them. For my artwork, I'm going to draw vintage photos of men and women and eventually I'm going to take photos of scenery and clouds to insert onto the photo just like he does.


Tuesday 1 September 2020

DVC Rendering Internal

 Chloe Johnson-Dunn 


In DVC we are doing an internal on rendering. We designed a bottle earlier this year and now we are rendering it. We had to render it in three different materials. They were solid plastic, stainless steel and clear plastic. 

What did I like? I liked that we got to choose our own colours and do our own thing. 

What didn't I like? I didn't like how the yellow was too hard to work with. I also didn't like how my stainless steel bottle turned out. 

What are your thoughts and feedback?