
Tuesday 21 May 2019



  It all started in May 15th 1857, when Mother and Father decided it was time to flee the country and move to New Zealand. They said we were moving to New Zealand because London was too overcrowded and unsanitary and that New Zealand would give me more opportunity for work. Mother also said that Minnie and I could get married over there. Mother and Fathers bags were all packed and ready to go. We were leaving in two days and I’m far from ready. What if something goes wrong? Or if it isn’t like people say it is? Or if it's exactly like London? “Hudson” Mother yelled from downstairs, snapping me out of my thoughts. “Pack your things, we are leaving tomorrow instead of Friday” My father called out. I grabbed my bags and started packing my stuff. The next morning I woke up to the smell of bacon and eggs. I could hear my fiance, Minnie, and my father talking downstairs. Truth is, I don’t love Minnie, I never have and I don’t think I ever will. Mother and father have wanted Minnie and me to get married since forever. We have been together since we were both fifteen, and mother and father convinced me to propose two years ago when we were eighteen.

  “I am so excited to leave, we can finally get married in New Zealand and start a family,” Minnie says, grabbing my arm as we walk down to the ship. “Yeah” I replied, uneasily. Mother and father bought us cabin tickets, which means we get a proper bed and better food than others. All our bags are already on the ship and we are about to leave. Just as I was stepping onto the boat, I saw the most beautiful girl in the UK, so beautiful she makes me stop in my tracks. “Honey, what’s wrong” Minnie asks, noticing that I had stopped. “Nothing, nothing” I finally say after a few more seconds of staring, turning back around to look at her one last time before stepping onto the ship and finding mine and Minnie's cabin. I’ve got to get her name and I’ve got to get it fast. It’s been three nights on the ship and I haven’t seen the mysterious girl again. I’ve been thinking about checking the steerage for her but I don’t think someone so gorgeous should be somewhere so unsanitary and cramped. It’s around 6:30 pm and everyone was having dinner. We were having pork and potatoes. After dinner, I snuck out to try and find the infamous mystery girl. I ended up finding her by the end of the ship with a notepad drawing something. “What are you drawing,” I say, accidentally scaring her go her feet. “Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you” I apologize. “No, no It’s okay, I should have expected someone to find me” She replies with a laugh. “I’m Hudson Crawford, nice to meet you…” I pause waiting for her name, extending my hand for her to shake. “Georgia Harlon, nice to meet you, Hudson”. Georgia I repeat in my head. A beautiful name for a beautiful girl. “So you’re into art?” I ask, looking down at the notebook in her hand. “Um, yeah I guess so, nothing professional though” responds. “Can I have a look? My father used to paint in his younger days” I requested. “Yeah sure, probably nothing compared to your fathers though” She replies shyly, with a small laugh. I start flipping through the pages, looking at all the small details of each art piece. There were drawings of trees and flowers to portraits and landscape. “This is insane, talk about professional” I let out a small laugh while continuing to flip through the pages. “Stop it, it’s really nothing” Georgia replies, grabbing the book out of my hands before I could look at any more. “No I’m serious, you could really do something with those,” I say, turning to face her more and look into her eyes. It’s been almost 60 days on the ship and Georgia and I have been sneaking around for almost every day. After a week of knowing her, I knew that I was in love with her. As soon as we arrive in New Zealand I’m going to tell Minnie that I don’t love her and that I wanna be with Georgia instead. Right now, Minnie and I are talking about our future in New Zealand. She said she wants to become an artist when we arrive there. I know for a fact that her art is nowhere as good as Georgia’s. “Are you listening to me?” Minnie interrupts my thoughts. “Yeah, yeah you’re gonna get into art when we arrive in New Zealand” I reply impatiently, waiting for her to leave. The next morning I wake up alone in my cabin. I walk outside and see that there is a concert happening. I look around to find Minnie or my parents but my eye catches Georgia dancing, singing and laughing along to the music with an older man. I smile and walk over to her, taking her from the older man and dancing with her. “Nice to see you again, Georgia” I smile at her “Nice to see you too, Hudson” She smiles back. “Who the hell is she” I hear someone screech behind me. I turn around to see Minnie standing there with my mother and father. I pull away from Georgia and run after Minnie. I might not love her, but I still care about her. “Minnie, I swear she’s no one, we were only dancing” It’s not like I’m in love with her I think but of course don’t say. Minnie slams the door in my face and doesn’t talk to me for the next couple days. A few days after Minnie slammed a door in my face, I found out Georgia got sick from being in the steerage part of the ship. A week after she got sick, she ended up passing only a few weeks away from New Zealand.

  As soon as we landed in New Zealand, my mother and father are ready to buy a house and get our new lives started. They also said they me and Minnie need to get married as soon as possible, but they don’t know that I fell in love with Georgia. Right now is mine and Minnie wedding, but all I can think about is Georgia. “You may now kiss the bride” I hear as soon as Minnie leans in to kiss me. Next, I hear everyone clapping and then I’m pulled from the wedding and into a car. Minnie and I had three kids together, Olivia, Noah, and one coming in a few months that we are going to name George. 
  “Minnie, where’s my jacket?” I asked my wife, as I am rummaging through our closet. Minnie and I ended up staying together despite me cheating on her with Georgia. Just before she died, she told me that she wanted me to keep her art and to do something with it. A few years ago I made her art public and now she’s the most well-known artist in New Zealand.

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