
Thursday 28 March 2019



In health, we are learning about Hauora and about our identity. Like who we are and our different values.

What is spiritual well-being?
Spiritual well-being is what you believe in and what you belong. How you feel and expressing your religion.

My identity photo

Social Studies Child Trafficking Project

Child Trafficking

We made a project about child trafficking. We got to pick between three subject, child trafficking, child soldiers, and child slaves. My group decided to pick child trafficking because we didn't really know what it was and we wanted to learn more about it. Child trafficking is when someone kidnaps a younger person (mostly female) and uses them for work or sexual purposes.

Something I learnt while doing this project is what trafficking really is and how many people are stuck in human trafficking. There are about 15,000 people still in human trafficking today.

The most useful resource that we used was ZOE international. It was our most useful resource because they have all the information on what trafficking is and they try to help people out of it which I think is really cool.

We used Clipchamp Create to make this video.

Thursday 21 March 2019

Sonja Terk Delaunay

Sonja Delaunay
Sonja Delaunay was a Ukranian-born French artist. She was born on November 14th 1885. Her husband Robert Delaunay was also an artist. She was born Sara Elievna Stern but goes as Sonja Delaunay.

what is Orphism? 
Orphism or Orphic Cubism is an abstract cubist painting style created by Robert and Sonja Delaunay around 1912. It focused on abstraction and bright colours. 

Image result for Rythme colore
Rythme color
Image result for sonia delaunay prismes électriques
Prismes électriques


This week in art we are doing Sonja Terk Delaunay inspired lino cutting. We picked one of the drawings we drew and split it into two and drew the two halves on lino. 

Learning outcome: 
To have an understanding of Sonja Terk Delaunay, Orphism and colour theory through lino printing. We should also understand what leading lines and focal points are. 

Learning Process: 
Research Sonja's artwork and create some thumbnail sketches of her work. We researched facts about Sonja and looked more into her art for our thumbnail sketches. We then drew our own sketches for lino. 

What would I change?
I would make it less boring and add more shapes and colours. 

Friday 15 March 2019

Michael Mew Inspired Art

In art we are doing Michael Mew inspired art. We looked through magazines and cut out images that we were going to use for our art. We placed them on the paper and moved them around until we were happy with the result. When we were finished we drew a bird that represented the school and glued it onto the work. I drew a Riroriro bird. This is my result.

My leading lines are the yellow block and the branch the bird is standing on.

This is the bird I drew. This bird means attractive and musical, found in flocks. I decided to draw this bird because I liked how fat and cute it was. It is also known as The yellowhead bird.

Friday 1 March 2019

Supergirl, Welcome to Earth.

Supergirl, Welcome to Earth.

Image result for supergirl welcome to earth

A message from Supergirl, Welcome to Earth is that you shouldn't judge people because
of their background or who they are. This is because everyone is different and no two
people are gonna be the same so we should respect that. We saw this in the scene
where Kara assumes Mon-El tried to kill the president.  I think this is important because
we should always respect others decisions and differences.