
Wednesday 22 September 2021

Panel Two Plan

For my panel two board, I plan to put album covers and posters throughout the board. I will be doing a minimum of 10 posters and a minimum of 5 album covers. I have referenced my artist models by the use of thick and thin lines, colors and shapes. My next steps are to finish my logo and then move onto my panel two work. 

This is my progress so far


Wednesday 5 May 2021

Art Design Portfolio Connections

In art design we have been looking at different connections throughout different art portfolios. In the portfolio that I looked at it was a film poster. We circled the different connections on panel ones and panel two. On panel one there are various connections between different types of logos, movie tickets and t-shirts. They are connected by using different colors and similar logos and symbols. On panel two there are various different posters. They have related connections through symbols and colors. 

Wednesday 7 April 2021

Ex Machina - Is Ava Human or Not?

Ex Machina - Is Ava Human or Not?

 I believe that Ava is not human. Although she has the characteristics of a human and can do things at free will, I still believe she is not human. Ava was created by Nathan. He made Ava feel those fabricated emotions for Caleb as a test. Nathan original plan was to take Ava's chip after he was finished testing her and use it for another robot. 

Ex Machina: A (White) Feminist Parable for Our Time - WWAC

Monday 29 March 2021

Friday 12 March 2021

Art Design Logo Practice

Art Logo Design

In art design we have being designing and planning different logos. On my logos I have used negative and positive space by adding different colors and using background space for my design. For the design at the bottom, I have used negative space by adding gaps in between the three lines. Another example of negative space is in my third circle design. I have used white as the negative space around the background and in between each of the colors. On Monday I am going to experiment more with different logos and different color combinations. 

Monday 22 February 2021

Art Photography Prints

 Photography Prints

In art photography we have been playing around with different objects and compositions to create different artworks. We collected flowers, leaves and other objects and placed them in different ways to make different artworks. We printed some in color and some black and white. We tried doing some symmetrical (2) pieces and some asymmetrical too. 

1 & 2

3 & 4

5 & 6

7 & 8

Friday 12 February 2021

Art Photography


Growth vs Fixed Mindset

 Growth vs Fixed Mindset

What is a growth mindset? 
People with a growth mindset believe that their abilities and talents can be developed through effort, good teaching and persistence. These people are willing to give everything a try and get back up when they fail. 

What is a fixed mindset?
People with a fixed mindset believe that abilities and talents are just fixed traits and cannot change. These people are not willing to give things a try and give up when things get too tough.

Which is better and why? 
Having a growth mindset is better because it allows you to try new opportunities and can help you overcome different obstacles when learning. This links to the 9 different multiple intelligences because someone with a fixed mindset will believe that they are only good at certain ones and won't be willing to improve the ones they aren't so good at. Whereas people with a growth mindset will believe that even though they may be better at some of the multiple intelligences on that list than others they are still believe that they can improve and are willing to try.