
Monday 27 November 2017

The Excuse By Andy Griffiths

Today we read a short story by Andy Griffiths called by The Excuse.

We also started writing a story inspired by him, First we made a plan on mindmup.

This is the start of my plan. 

Monday 20 November 2017

The Kings Wish Story.

Readers Theatre: 

What am I learning:
To be more confident in reading and use more expression.

How am I going towards achieving this learning:
Use more expression when we read more scripts.

What do I need to do to be a strong performer in Readers Theatre:
Don't fidget as much and concentrate more.

I was playing the part as "Son Three" my parts were highlighted in blue.

Writing Goal

Writing Goal

My goal in writing is:
To get my punctuation right. 

I have chosen this goal because:
In my writing there are a lot of punctuation mistakes and I want to get higher marks.

To achieve this goal I will need to: 
Proof read my writing more and take my time.

Monday 13 November 2017

Festival Of The Arts Lino Cutting 2017

Art/ist meaning
A way of being creative and demonstrating an art.

Experimenting creative thoughts
Developing skills
Adding your imagination to your creations
Always doing your best even if you dont like your art.

Participate meaning
Being involved, Taking part.

Value meaning
The importance of something

How can you participate in the world as an artist?
Trying new art even if they're not your best at first try.
Even if you dont do art letting your imagination run wild on a page.
Inspiring people/artist with your work

What value do people place on being an artist in New Zealand?
Because in New Zealand we publicly fund art galleries and people go there to appreciate the art.
We put money towards art so that people have a chance to express their imagination and feelings.

Lino cut Artists: 
Bill Fick
Stanley Donwood
Anthony Davies



My Lino Cut.
My Lino Print 
My Lino Cut.

Thursday 9 November 2017

What is Kaitiakitanga, Sustainability, and Rahui Tapu.

What is Kaitiakitanga?
Protecting something important to you.
How do we show Kaitiakitanga on Quail Island? 
By making water fountain for the birds on the island because there is no fresh water. Making more penguin box for the penguins so they can have a safe and warm home. 

What is Sustainability? 
Something that is renewable, you can replace it when you use it.
Planting native trees on Quail Island.

What is Rahui Tapu?
Something that is sacred, It is something that is restricted.
How do we show Rahui Tapu on Quail Island?
If the penguins get scared because of the people on the island, giving them a restricted area so they won't be scared. 

Leprosy Writing

A Day In A Life Of A Leper

Hello, my name is Will Vallane and in 1907 I was forced to leave and go to Quail Island because I have Leprosy. I was diagnosed in 1907, the same year I moved into a small house by myself after living in a giant hospital by myself, which I hated. When I woke up in the morning I wait for Mr Thomas to come and bring my breakfast because I’m not able to make my own. There was a fence surrounding my little house to stop having physical contact with anyone because the disease is contagious. Everyday around lunch time I would always listen to music on my record player. Mr Thomas, the caretaker had to turn it on because I was unable to do it myself. I also enjoy reading illustration books  although I was losing my eyesight, I still enjoyed looking at the pretty colors. Around 6:30 I rang my friends and family on the telephone to see how they were doing. After that, Mr Thomas dropped off my dinner, cooked chicken and carrots. He also chopped some wood and put the fire on, so I wouldn’t get cold at night. At about 7 o’clock I went out onto the deck to watch the sunset go down. At 8:30, after the sunset went down, I walked back inside and got into bed.

Wednesday 8 November 2017

DOC Research

What are I learning? 
I am learning about Kaitiakitanga, Sustainability, and Rahui Tapu, and presenting it. 

What could I do next time? 
Add more information and explain things more.

What am I wondering?
Are rules different in different places of the world?

Quail Island Questions

  1. What does the name Otamahua mean? It means "The place where children collect sea eggs" Where does it come from? Quail Island.
  2. Where did the name Quail Island come from? Because of the bird, quail.
  3. How big is the Island? 81 ha in area, with a high point of 86 meters.
  4. How was the Island created? A figure-like lava flow formed Quail Island from a big volcano.
  5. What wildlife is present on the island - native / introduced? Wood birds, Rabbits, Horses, Lizards, 
  6. Mahinga kai, food gathering was an important activity for the Maori. What food did they gather from Otamahua? Quail eggs, Fish, 
  7. How have introduced species (animals/birds/insects) damaged the environment? The rabbit species built up and heavily impacted the native vegetation.  
  8. What rules had DOC created to help Otamahua? No matches or cigarettes, Be careful with bags on the island, Take all your rubbish home, Take care when walking.   

Thing Link

Monday 6 November 2017

Arts Photos 2017

The first superhero drawing we done.
My sketch of my superhero drawing!!
My Kowhaiwhai sketches 
My color wheel 
My drawings of the c

My finished superhero painting.