- The color in your eye is called the Iris.
- An eye is about the size of a ping pong ball.
- Cones help us see color.
- Rods help us see shades and form shapes.
- Cones and rods work together to help us see the total picture.
- When an image hits the retina its upside down, the brain flips the image the right way around.
- The biggest part of the eye is the vitreous body which also gives the eye its shape.
- The optic nerve is the great messenger at the back of our eye.
- Enamel cover the crown of the tooth to make it hard, tough and shiny.
- Teeth help you eat and talk.
- The white part of your teeth are called the crowns
- The pulp contains nerves which sends messages to the brain if something it too hot or too cold.
- The root protects the dentin
- Cementum is the thing that attaches the teeth to the jawbone.
- Canine teeth are shape, pointy and made to tear food.
- Wisdom teeth are the last four teeth we get
- Babies have primary teeth
- Molars are the teeth that help us grind our food.
- The stirrup is the smallest bone in your
- Their are 206 bones in an adult human body
- The rib cage protects your heart, lungs and liver
- There are 33 bones in the spine
- Bone marrow is in the centre of your bones
- The skull protects your brain
- Bones meet at joints
- Vertebrae is in the spine
- The patella in located in the knee
- Your bones wont stop growing until age 25