
Thursday 13 April 2017

My Mihi

how i think it shows my learning:
I think it shows me learning because i've learnt what they mean in maori and english.

Wednesday 12 April 2017

Characteristics of the Memoir

My memoir is about my first day at primary school.

My mum was driving me to school with my two pigtails in my hair. I was really thrilled but nervous at the same time. My mum walked me to my class and I met my teacher Mr Hay. He was an inspiring teacher. Some of my friends from kindergarten were there too. When the bell rung my mum left to go to work, I walked in and sat down at a table with Willow and another girl. The teacher introduced himself and done the roll.

At lunchtime I sat down at a bench outside my classroom and ate my lunch, after i had finished eating i would go to the playground and play tag or go on the monkeybars with my new friend Willow. I would normally go see my sister at lunch. When lunch was over me and my new friends went back into the classroom and did more work. By the end of the day I was tired and wanted to go home. My first day at school was enjoyable but tiring at the same time.

Graduate Profile

Statistics Investigation

what i learnt:
that girls and boys are both active

what would you do differently if you did it again:
make it smaller and not as messy

what questions would you still like to know more about:
why Katrina thought girls were less active then boys

Friday 7 April 2017

Discover the World-Kupe-Reflection

What we been learning 

Explain and learn New Zealand’s cultures and national identity.

How i think my work shows my learning

because i added in all the information into my work and took my time to write and plan everything out and that i can explain all the subjects.

If i did this kete again what would i do differently?

I would take a little less time because i rushed the last one a little bit. I would also add some more information to each piece of work and maybe add some more color to my work.

Something i am wondering
what was the first country found.

Thursday 6 April 2017

New Zealand Kapa Haka

Kapa Haka is Maori's way of dancing in New Zealand. Kapa Haka generally involves the haka and poi dance.
Props that are used in kapa haka are rakam, taiaha, poi and patu.
Kapa Haka started before pre-European times where it developed from traditional forms of Maori pastimes.
Image result for kapa haka

Drama Week 10

Why do people dance?
To express emotions
To socialise
For fun
Cultural Dance
For music videos

Image result for dance
Image result for ballet dance