
Thursday 21 November 2019

Ideal World

What does an ideal world look like in your mind? The ideal world in my mind would be where everyone is respectful and nice to each other. No one would judge anyone because we are all human. The world would be cleaner and climate change would disappear.

Why Was a Treaty Needed in New Zealand?

In 1830 there were 100,000 Māori 200 and Europeans living in New Zealand. The behaviour of the Whalers, the Missionaries’ desire to help protect Māori rights and the Musket Wars were reasons that a treaty was needed. The Declaration of Independence was another contributing factor to the need for a treaty.

One reason that a treaty was needed was the lawless behaviour of some of the British Settlers like whalers. When whalers came back after months and months at sea, they would get very drunk which caused many fights and arguments. There was also a lot of prostitution which lead to many diseases. This is important because without the treaty fighting would increase and more people would have died. Without it, things would have gotten way out of hand. 

Another reason that a treaty was needed was to protect Māori rights. One group that felt strongly about this was the missionaries. They were worried about the number of Māori being killed or enslaved because of musket wars, the Pakeha sailors violent behaviour, the spread of diseases and the large land sales. The missionaries taught the Māori a lot of things. Including, teaching them farming and methods, taught them how to read and write in Māori, and about their religion. The numbers of Māori living in New Zealand dropped from 100k in 1836 to less than 30k in 1901. While European numbers skyrocketed. Only one hundred Europeans were living in New Zealand in 1836 but by 1901 there were almost 1 million Europeans in New Zealand. In 1901 there were only 25k Māori living in New Zealand, but now there are around 600k. If there was a treaty around this time, the Māori population wouldn’t have dropped so low. 

Another reason that a treaty was needed was the Musket Wars. From the years 1807-1842, the musket wars were occurring. Tribes were able to get muskets by trading various things for a musket in return. The first tribe to get a musket was Nga Puhi. Over 20,000 people died during this time period. Population and power changed, all the tribes had muskets and had turned them into killing machines. With a treaty, these wars would not have happened. 

The final reason that a treaty was needed was the existence of the Declaration of Independence. Interestingly, the treaty was signed for trading and legal purposes. It was created to protect the rights of Māori and give Māori power of New Zealand. It was signed on the 28th of October 1835 and was signed by 52 chiefs. The Declaration of Independence meant that Māori could only trade with the British. The Declaration of Independence only helped the Māori, not everyone living in New Zealand. This country would not be the same without it. 

This essay has demonstrated that without the treaty the behaviour from Europeans would have gotten out of hand. Without a treaty, Māori numbers would have dropped even lower, Māori wouldn’t have power over New Zealand and musket wars could have still continued today. If so, the number of Māori living in New Zealand would become extremely low. I think that the treaty helped to save this country and that it wouldn’t be the same without it. 

Thursday 14 November 2019

Character Strengths

This character trait was shown in A Silent Voice when the boy was being mean to the girl but then he thought about how she feels and what it was like to be in her shoes. I think you should really think about someone else’s feelings before saying something insult.

Social Intelligence
This trait is shown in Forrest Gump when he tried making friends with everyone even when no one wanted to be his friend back he still kept trying and he finally found Jenny. This shows us that even though being social can sometimes be scary or intimidating you shouldn’t give up.

This character trait was shown in The Hunger Games when Katniss volunteered as tribute to save her sister’s life and risk her own. This shows if you love someone enough you will risk your life for them.

This trait is shown in Zootopia when Nick and Judy work together to try and save the savage animals. It shows us that you cannot always work something out on your own and that you might need a hand sometimes. I think that people helping is nice and people should do it more often.

This trait was shown in Avatar (Part 2) when the waterbending king finally let Katara become a water bender. It shows us that even if people say you cannot do something because of who you are you should try yours.

This character trait is shown in Children of Blood and Bone when Zelie didn’t give up. Even though she could risk her life she wanted everyone to have their powers back. I think this shows us that even when it gets tough to always push yourself to keep going.

Volcano Stop-motion

Volcano Stop-motion

What causes a volcano to erupt:
When magma rises to the earth's surface it builds up and because of this, the volcano erupts.

The biggest volcano in the world:
Tamu Massif if an extinct submarine shield volcano in the North West Pacific ocean.

The deadliest volcano in the world: 
The deadliest volcano in the world is known to be Mount Vesuvius. It's considered to be dangerous because of how close it is to the cities of Naples and the towns surrounding it.

Wednesday 6 November 2019

The Treaty of Union (England & Scotland)

Why do we still talk about the Treaty of Waitangi?
Because it is a significant thing that happened in New Zealand and the country wouldn't be the same today if none of that had happened. 

Should we still celebrate Waitangi day?
I think we should still celebrate it because it was a big thing that happened in New Zealand and we can't just forget it. Without what happened New Zealand would not be the same today. 


Wednesday 30 October 2019

Maori and European Population Changes in NZ 1838-1901

What does the graph show us?
Maori and European population changes in NZ 1838-1901.

Why do you think the numbers of Maori change?
Maori would fight for the land and they would get many diseases which caused people to die. Women couldn't repopulate because of said diseases.

Why do you think the numbers of Europeans changed?
More Europeans arrived in NZ which means they had more power and land so more Europeans wanted to come to NZ.

Wednesday 23 October 2019


My Pepeha
This is how I would introduce myself in Te Reo Maori.
Ko Mt Cook toku maunga
Ko Pacific ocean toku moana
Ko Waimakariri toku awa
Ko car toku waka
Ko Canterbury toku rohe
Ko Johnson and Dunn toku iwi
Ko Catherine and Denis toku hapu
Ko Chloe toku ingoa

Tuesday 22 October 2019

English Creative Writing

English Creative Writing
Link to Google Doc

Chapter 1
  SHE MADE her way down the street, hearing her feet crunch leaves that were scattered across the
concrete. Holly was on her way to her favourite book store. Every month, she’d buy a book or two that
she has never read or heard of, just to try new things. Holly loved trying new things. Ever since college,
she made a pact with herself that every other weekend she would try something different. Just to get
out there and do something. 
  Holly did not believe that you can truly live life by just sitting at home, doing nothing but stuffing your
face and watching tv. Holly wanted to be out there doing something whether I’d be something old or
something new, she just wanted to do something. 
  Autumn was her season, Holly loved autumn. Autumn was when the coloured leaves fell from the
trees around her, and pumpkins, Holly loved pumpkins. Autumn was the season for new discoveries;
discoveries as in books, music, or movies. Autumn was her favourite season. She loved every single
thing about the beautiful season. Holly loved almost everything but anything that related to do with
autumn she loved the most. 
  Holly smiles lightly at all the different people roaming the streets. There were families, couples, and
even just people who were by themselves. She looked up at the sky which had a light blue-grey tone
to it. It was also filled with small, fluffy clouds. She looked back to her front as she opened the door of
her favourite book store. The familiar smell of pumpkin-filled her nose. No matter what time of year it
was, the book store always had a delightful smell of pumpkin, Holly thinks that's why she likes the
store so much. 
  “Wonderful day it is, ain’t it Charlie?” Holly smiled at the owner of the store. She was really close with
him as he was her father's best friend. 
  “As always Holly,” Charlie replied, not even having to look up from his computer to know that it was
Holly, which made Holly smile every time. 
  “Got anything new for me?” Holly asked. She had always asked just in case he got any new books
that she’d be interested in. He usually always did. 
  “Not today. But I’m sure you'll find something,” he said, looking up at her face with a simple smile. 
  “I always do.” Holly chuckled a bit. She left her purse with Charlie and made her way towards the
many rows of books. 
  “Children of Blood and Bone. Such a classic.” an unfamiliar voice said, making Holly jump. She
turned to see a boy with green eyes and short curly brown hair. 
  She smiled and laughed a bit. “Yeah, I haven’t read that book since I was a young teen. I can’t
believe I forgot about this book.” 
  “I’ve read it about a hundred times or more. Ever since the first time I read it, I fell in love with it.” The
boy smiled. Holly nodded, agreeing with what he had just said. 
  “My names Harry, Harry Robinson.” He held his hand out for her to shake. She smiled and took the
boys soft hand. 
  “Holly Marvins.” 

Chapter 2

  “MA’AM, COULD I get a refill?” The old lady asked sitting at the counter asked Holly. Holly worked
at a small local café not many people visited in her city. Mostly old folks or typical teenagers that
wanted a cheap and nice place to hang out.
  Holly didn't hate her job, she actually really liked it. She loved the atmosphere of the place. It was so
nice and upbeat. The decorations went with each other so wonderfully, and there was a small jukebox
that would play catchy songs that Holly just grew to love.
  Her eyes wandered to the big windows in front of her. Something she loved about autumn was that
even if it was two in the afternoon it was still a dim light outside. It wasn't too hot or too cold. It was the
perfect type of weather. 
  She saw many people outside. Her eyes landed on a couple. Probably around her age walking out
of a shop, smiling and laughing. Holly admired that but she never imagined herself in a relationship.
Having to commit to someone. The idea of dating someone never really fancied her. She wanted to
travel the world. She wanted to see everything that the world had to offer. Being tied down would
restrict her from that. 
  She brushed her hair out of her face as she heard the bell chime as someone entered the door. She
looked and saw a familiar person. 
  It was the boy she met a few days ago in Charlie’s book store. Harry, yeah that’s his name. He sat
down in front of her but not noticing her because his eyes were attached to his book.
  “Hello, Harry.” She smiled and he looked up at her and he smiled widely. 
  “Hello Holly, how are you?.” He closed his book after folding a corner to save his spot.
  “I’m great, how about you?” 
  “I’d be even better if you can get me a coffee and muffin.” Harry smiled.
  “Coming right up sir.” She laughed as well as Harry. She got what he wanted and he thanked her. 
  “What book are you reading?” Holly asked the boy as he sipped his coffee.
  “The Great Gatsby. It’s quite a beautiful novel if you ask me. The love that Jay gatsby has for Daisy
is so unique and genuine. I wish to love someone as much as Jay loved Daisy.” 
  “That’s quite a big request, Harry.” 
  “Nothing’s impossible Holly.” He smiled.
  “I really like the way you speak. Like you speak as if you’ve written everything down, edited it,
memories it and are reciting it right now. You speak with such elegance and it’s really wonderful.” His
voice was like music to her ears. 
  “Thank you. I’m trying to impress you if I’m being completely honest.” 
  Holly smiled, brightly. “Oh really?” 
  “Yeah. I assume It’s working.“ He smirked. 
  Holly laughed, “Yeah it is“
  “Well, would you like to go on a date with me, “ Harry asked, taking another sip of his coffee.
  Holly acted as if she was thinking quite hard about her answer as she made a humming sound.
  She took a piece of his muffin and stuck it in her mouth before she smiled. 
  “Of course I would“ 

Chapter 3
  HOLLY WAITED outside her apartment complex waiting for Harry. She was excited yet nervous,
she was really fond of the boy but this was her first date. She wasn’t sure if Harry would like her after
this date. She rubbed her arms because it was really cold outside. She saw Harry’s car pull up in front
of her. Harry got out of his car and immediately met eyes with Holly. 
  He walked over to her and kissed the back of her hand. “You look beautiful“ 
  Holly smiled and looked down, “Thank you.”
  Harry opened the car door for her and she got in. He shut it and got in on the other side. 
  ”What are we doing tonight harry?” 
  ”Well Holly, I thought It’d be nice if I took you home and cooked you dinner.” Harry smiled. 
  ”That sounds quite nice.” Holly smiled, biting her lip to keep herself from smiling too much at his cute
  ”Good.” Harry said as he drove down the street. 


  ”I’ve never had anyone over but I thought It’d be a nice idea for a date.” Harry said, closing the door.
He took off his coat but kept his beanie on. 
  Holly looked around and it was quite a lovely little place in her opinion. ”You have a wonderful place,
  ”Thank you.” 
  They smiled at each other for a little bit before Harry led the way to the kitchen. They started making
pasta, Harry cracking jokes here and there and Holly laughing at how idiotic they were. 
  ”Ask me something.” Holly said as she stirred the sauce. 
  ”Okay, what’s your full name?” 
  ”Holly Gray Marvins” 
  ”That’s a beautiful name,” Harry smiled. 
  ”Thank you.” 
  ”It fits a beautiful girl like you.” He smiled. 
  Holly blushed a bit, ”What about you? What’s your full name?” 
  ”Harry Edward Robinson” He replied. 
  Holly just smiled, ”What about your family? Where are they?” She asked. 
  ”I don’t really know. After my mum died, my sister left and I haven’t seen any of them since.” Harry
"I'm sorry"
  ”Don’t be, I’m okay” Harry smiled it off, ”But how about you?” 
”My mum is on the other side of the country, and my dad died two years ago. I moved to New York
because of school.” 
   ”I’m sorry about your dad” 
  ”Don’t be, I’m okay as well.” Holly copied Harry but it was the truth. 
  They began to ask each other hundreds of different questions. The more Harry answered them, the
more invested Holly wanted to be with him. Harry put words together so beautifully, especially if it was
about something he loved. Holly could listen to him talk about nonsense for hours. 
  Then Harry asked, ”How is it like to be in the point of view of Holly Gray Marvins?” 
  ”What do you mean?” Holly asked, confused. 
  ”Tell me how you see things.” He said it like it was the simplest thing to put into words. 
  ”I see it as a place where you can do anything. You can visit any place you want and you can portray
the world how you want. Every person I have come across has changed my life in a way, shaped me
to be the person I am today.” And with that, Holly continued to talk for almost two minutes about how
she viewed the world. 
  Harry smiled widely throughout the whole thing. ”Beautiful.” Harry muttered. 
  ”What?” Holly asked. 
  ”Beautiful. Holly, you and how you see things and how you portray the world is just beautiful.” 
  ”I don’t know what to say” Holly was speechless, but that was a good thing because Holly always
had something to say. She was rarely ever speechless. 
  ”I’ve never met someone like you, granted I haven’t really met many people but.” Harry laughed a bit
at himself. He moved closer to Holly and looked down at her. 
  ”Can I kiss you?” 
  Their dinner was probably going cold, but this felt monumental. Holly had never been asked that but
she said yes. Harry kissed Holly. Holly kissed Harry back. She felt butterflies explode in her stomach.
She had never felt anything like that, she had never felt the fireworks that she was feeling with Harry. 
  Holly pulled away and they both smiled. 
  ”You felt that didn’t you?” Harry whispered to her with a smile. She nodded and chuckled a bit. 
  ”What does this mean?” She said, instantly regretting it afterwards because she knew it was a stupid
question. But Harry didn’t think so. 
  He just said. ”Whatever you want beautiful.” 
  Which made Holly smile, as well as Harry. 

  Chapter 4

From Harry: hey

  SHE DIDN’T go into the chat, she just looked at the notification and ignored it. It’s not that Holly didn’t
like Harry. Oh no, that was not the case. She actually really really liked Harry. It wasn’t love, she knew
that for sure. But that doesn't mean that the thought of her feelings turning into love didn’t scare her. 
  She always told herself that she could never see herself dating someone. Actually committing to
someone. Holly didn’t want to be held down. It sounds selfish and she knew that, but she didn’t mean
for it to be. She didn’t want to be in love, that was never one of her dreams. Her dreams were to travel
the world and to be free. 
  She had been thinking about this since their fate and it had begun to make her a bit crazy. 
  She stood up and grabbed her coat from the door, she put it on before throwing on her shoes. She
opened the door and locked it before closing it behind her. 
  She made her way to the streets and the cold autumn air hit her and filled her lungs. It calmed her
almost instantly. 
  She made her way to Charlie’s book store. He was the only person she could think of to talk this out
with. She knew he would tell her the right thing to do, he always has. 

  As soon as she walked in the door she spotted Charlie stocking a few books on the shelf. She
walked over to him. 
  “Charlie?” She said, to get his attention.
  “Yes, Holly?” 
  “Can I ask you something?” 
  Charlie just nodded. 
  “It is okay to be afraid of falling in love? Or to commit to someone?”
  “Everyone needs someone to lean on and love, Holly. But yes it is okay, a lot of people are, but it
shouldn’t hold you back from something you want” He said, without skipping a beat. 
  “What if It’s something I don’t want?” 
  “It is something you want,“ he laughed, “Holly, you wouldn’t have come to me for advice it is wasn’t. I
know you.“ he said with a smile.
  I huffed before laughing, “You got me there Charlie.“ 
  “Exactly so don’t over-think, you have one life, Holly. Just go for it because you may regret not
doing it.“ 
  “What if I regret doing it.“ 
  “Then you just learn from it. There’s nothing wrong with learning a lesson, Holly.“
  “Thank you, Charlie.“
  He smiled and breathed out loudly. “Come here.“ he said, holding his arms out for her. They hugged
and Holly smiled to herself. She needed this. 
  “I’m just thankful that you know that you can come to me with anything.“ He said as he pulled away
to look at her.
  “Of course I do. You’re basically my dad. We both know that he left you in charge of me and you’re
doing an amazing job of it.“ 
  “I’m happy I am“ 
  “Same here.“ Holly smiled. 
  Holly left shortly after, making sure to ask Charlie how he was doing before leaving. 
  Once she got outside, she pulled out her phone and went into her messages. 

  To Harry: Hey, wanna meet up? 

Chapter 5

  SHE ENTERED the library with her mind set on finding the right book and just sitting down and
reading. She was doing some procrastinate studying. 
  She walked into the place as the volume drastically changed from all the loud cars, chatter and
wind to almost complete silence. Holly liked that. She always loved the silence, it was always what
she needed when she truly needed to focus or think about something. 
  She found the right books and sat herself down at a lonely table, she placed her stuff softly on the
table, trying to make as little noise as possible, before sitting down. 
  Holly’s mind always seemed to wonder at the most random times. She would think about the most
ridiculous things, even when she had other important things to think about. 
  Her mind wandered to Harry, she wondered why his mind moved too fast for his mouth, making him
talk slow. She wondered why she hadn't seen him without a hat or beanie on yet. And she wondered
where he was at this moment, what was he doing? What was the beautiful mind of his thinking at this
  But either way, she liked how slow he talked, and she liked how he looked in a hat or beanie. She
was actually starting to really, really like Harry. It had almost been a month since they started dating
and Holly loved every day of it. She had grown extremely attached to having the boy in her life. Holly
smiled lightly to herself because she was really happy with him. She was slowly getting over her fear
of falling in love because she started to realize that she maybe was slowly falling in love with him. 
  She got home to a dark, lonely apartment. She was surprised that it was warm because she didn’t
remember leaving the heater on. 
  She took off her coat and grabbed some pyjamas. She went into the bathroom and changed,
throwing her hair into a messy bun before washing her face. 
  After everything, she made her way to her bedroom when she noticed the light was on. She opened
the door and jumped because Harry was lying in her bed. 
  “Hey, babe.“ Harry said with a cheeky smile. 
  “What are you doing here?” Holly smiled. 
  “Just got bored and wanted to see you but you were gone so I just waited for you to come back.” 
  Holly just nodded and climbed into bed with him. 
  “How was your day?” Harry asked. 
  “A bit stressful but I managed. How about you lovely?” Holly asked, looking up at him. 
  “Pretty boring, but since I’m here with you now It’s great.” He smiled and kissed her temple. 
  “Harry, can I ask you something?” 
  “Of course, darling.” He smiled and looked at Holly, waiting for her questions. 
  “Why do you always wear hats and beanie? I don’t think I’ve ever seen you without one.” She
chuckled a bit. She knew it was a silly question but she was really curious. 
  “Well it's cold outside and I like how I look with them on.” 
  They laid there in bed, not talking but it wasn’t awkward. It was a nice, beautiful silence. The type of
silence that was calming, that you wouldn’t mind being in. 
  She kissed Harry’s clothed chest before falling asleep with a smile on her face. 

Chapter 6

“WHAT IS love to you, Harry,” Holly asked. She laid her hand on his stomach, feeling the soft fabric
of the thin, white shirt Harry was wearing. 
  Harry smiled, “love?” 
  “Yeah, love. What do you think about it?” 
  “Do you want to hear my big thought or my small thought?” He chuckled, rubbing his hand up and
down Holly’s back, making her feel comfortable. 
  “Love to me,“ he said, thinking a bit. “Is one of the most beautiful things, if you ask me. It takes your
breath away when that one person kisses you, looks at you, or when you just hear their name. Love
is when you want to be with that person for every minute of every day, and when they’re not in your
presence it feels as if something is missing and you can’t take your mind off of them until you see
them next. Love is when you toss and turn all night because you can't fall asleep without them. That
one person brings you so much happiness that you have no clue what to do with yourself. Love is
when you want to yell out to the world that you love that person and that person is yours and only
yours. Love can make you feel so many emotions all at once, but you know you wouldn’t do anything
to stop it because you love the feeling of love. Everyone deserves to love someone and to be loved
  Holly just laid there, in awe. She had never heard someone put their thoughts on how love is such a
beautiful thing. She blinked away a few tears, not even realizing that she started to cry from his words.
She was speechless. 
  “What was your small thought?”  
  “You,“ he simply replied, “I have never felt the true feeling of love until you came into my life.” He
smiled, before pulling Holly close to him. She smiled and kissed his soft lips. 
  It was the type of kiss you’d see in the movies, the type of kiss that left you speechless after. The
type of kiss that made you so happy you couldn’t help but giggle. That’s what Holly did, she
interrupted the kiss as she giggled. It made Harry laugh as well, before kissing her again. 
  By the end of the night, they had both said I love you. That’s all Holly could ask for. 

Chapter 7

  HARRY GOT sick, and it wasn’t the type of sick where you stay in bed and sleep it off. Harry was
throwing up blood and he looked extremely pale. Holly tried to help but he was just getting worse. 
  Harry kept telling her not to call 911 but she didn’t listen. 
  Now they’re in the hospital. Holly had been in the waiting room for almost an hour while Harry was
being checked on. 
 She felt like her whole world was crumbling. She didn’t know if Harry was okay yet, she didn’t know
anything. Holly just wanted to go ball up in a corner and cry but she couldn’t. She had to be strong
because she wasn’t the one in the hospital bed. 
  Soon, a doctor came to talk to her. They told Holly that Harry had been there multiple times before;
and that he has leukemia and he has had it since he was eleven. Holly didn’t believe it but the doctor
didn’t seem to be pulling some sick joke on her. He said that Harry was going to die and that it would
be inevitable. 
  “So there’s no way to save him?” 
  All he did was shake his head. All Holly could think of doing was to cry. And that’s what she did, she
  It felt like forever until she got to go see him. She felt like screaming at everything and everyone. She
was a mess, her hair in a messy bun at the top of her head that has loose hair everywhere. She has
tears streaming down her face. 
  She entered Harry’s room and she just let it all out.
  “Why didn’t you tell me? When were you going to warn me?” She cried, “Why did you keep this from
me?“ She couldn’t stop asking questions. She felt betrayed, because she had fallen in love with Harry,
and Harry was never going to stay. 
  “I was scared you would leave me, Holly! I thought If I told you, you wouldn’t talk to me and you
would be freaked out. I was just scared.“ Harry cried. It breaks her heart to see Harry like this. To
see that the man she loved was broken and sick and she had no clue of it until now. They had both
been scared that one of them was going to be left behind. 
  All she did was kiss his forehead. 
  “Harry, I still love you, I always will. I wish you would’ve told me so I could have prepared myself or
something. But I’m here and I will be here until the end. No matter how much it hurts. I will be by your
side until your last breath. I promise.“ 
  She didn’t say anything else, there wasn’t anything else to say. 
  Because all she wanted to make sure was that he understood that she was never leaving him and
that she loves him. 

Chapter 8

  “YOU CAN’T sleep in his bed, miss” 
  Holly awoke from her sleep, finding herself being scolded by a nurse. She looked to be in her late
fifties, she seemed very annoyed. Probably since it was very late in the night. 
  “Oh, I’m sorry I didn’t mean to fall asleep,” Holly said, sitting up and rubbing her eyes. 
  “Why can’t she sleep with me?” Harry asked, with a trace of annoyance in his voice. 
  “Just following the rules.” The woman spat, Harry rolled his eyes as she left. 
  “Don’t worry, I’ll just sleep in the chair okay?” Holly said, getting out of the bed. Harry nodded,
grabbing her hand and pulling her into a kiss. 
  “I love you, you know that, right?” He asked, his voice shaky. Holly smiled, knowing that it would
calm him. 
  “Of course I do,“ she said, “I love you even more.“ 
  “I don’t think that’s possible.“ He laughed. 
  “I’d prove you wrong but I’m not allowed in your bed.“ Holly said, before giving him another kiss. 
  She took one of his blankets, Harry always asked for a lot because he gets cold easily. They both
winked at each other in unison, making them both burst out in a fit of laughter. 
  “Goodnight, Harry.” 
  “Goodnight, Holly,” He said, smiling. 

Holly awoke to a long beep noise coming from Harry’s heart monitor. It took her a few seconds to fully
wake up and understand what was going on. She didn’t know what to do. She screamed and cried
until doctors and nurses came in. The nurses practically dragged her out. She didn’t really care that
she was making a scene. She didn’t care that people were staring at her, with all different looks. Some
looked at her with confusion, others sympathy, but most with dirty looks. 
  She wanted to scream but she couldn’t, she couldn’t speak. All she could do was cry, she felt as if the
whole world around her was falling apart. Just a few hours ago they were in his bed, smiling and
  She didn’t know what to do, or what to say. She couldn’t even get out a word without sobbing. Charlie
came running into the hospital to find Holly in the corner of the waiting room, in a ball. He took Holly in
his arms. 
  “It’ll be okay, It’ll be okay.“ That’s all he said. But she didn’t believe him. Holly was hurting, when your
hurting you feel as if it’s never going to end, that it’s never going to get better.  
  She shook her head, tears still streaming down her face. She began to grow pale as if the life was
being sucked out of her. Two words just kept repeating in her head. It was on some sick replay and
she couldn’t find a way to stop it. Until she said it out loud. 
  “He’s gone.“